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카마로SS 트랙 가기전 준비사항 (메뉴얼) 자유게시판 -카마로ss동호회

카마로SS 트랙 가기전 준비사항 (메뉴얼)

김중희(갈마로)  |  조회수 :5307  |  2019-03-03 (23:11)

국내판 메뉴얼에는 그리 자세히 나와있지 않은거 같아서 한번 올려 봅니다.

Track Events and Competitive Driving

Track events or competitive driving may affect the vehicle warranty. See the warranty manual before using the vehicle for racing or other competitive driving. The Engine Sound Management setting (if equipped) should not be set to “Stealth Mode” during track events and competitive driving. See Driver Mode Control 0 228.

뭐 대충 스텔스 모드 하지마라(국내는 해당없는듯), 드라이빙 모드 설정 해라, 트랙션 모드 설정해라 그런 말인듯 합니다.

Engine Oil
If you use the vehicle for racing or other competitive driving, the engine may use more oil than it would with normal use. Low oil levels can damage the engine. For information on how to add oil, see Engine Oil 0 257. Be sure to check the oil level often during racing or other competitive driving and keep the level at or near the upper mark that shows the proper operating range on the engine oil dipstick.

주행중에 엔진오일 레벨 낮으면 문제 생기니 좀 더 넣고 가라 주행하다가도 체크좀 해바라 등등

6.2L (LT1) Engine

Change the engine oil to 0W-40 or 5W-40 that meets the dexos2™ specification. If this oil is not available, the following oils can be used as an alternative: Valvoline® SYNPOWER MST 5W-40, Mobil® 1 ESP Formula M 5W-40. See Capacities and Specifications 0 343

덱소스2 사양 충족하는 5W40 혹은 0W40으로 교체 할것

Automatic Transmission

Fluid Have the transmission fluid set to the track specific oil level prior to track usage. Transmission fluid should be changed after 30 hours of track usage. Any transmission level set or change should be performed at your dealer.

미션오일을 양을 트랙기준 양으로 맞춰라, 30시간 트랙 사용후 미션오일 바꿔라

-> track specific oil level 이 따로 정해진게 있나요?

Rear Axle Fluid

Axles must have 2400km (1,500mi) before being used in track driving. The rear axle fluid temperatures may be higher than when driving in severe conditions. Drain and refill with new fluid after the first racing or competitive driving event, and then after every 24 hours of racing or competitive driving. See Recommended Fluids and Lubricants 0 338.

During a first time track or racing event, high rear axle temperatures can occur. Damage could be caused to the rear axle and would not be covered by the vehicle warranty. Do not drive as long or as fast the first time the vehicle is driven on the track or raced.

교체하고 바로 들어가면 안되고 2400km 이상 주행후 서킷 들어가야함. 서킷주행 24시간 마다 오일 바꿔라

첫주행에 너무 조지지 마세요 디퍼 깨집니다 보증 안해줍니다 뭐 대충 그런말들인듯 합니다.

Brake Fluid

For track events or competitive driving, it is recommended that the brake fluid be replaced with a high performance brake fluid that has a dry boiling point greater than 279°C (534°F). After conversion to the high performance brake fluid, follow the brake fluid service recommendations outlined by the fluid manufacturer. Do not use silicone or DOT-5 brake fluids.

브레이크 오일은 고온 대응가능한 걸로 바꿔라.

좋은거 써도 되나 실리콘계열과 DOT-5 는 쓰지마라

-> 이거 왜그런건지 아시는분? 저 DOT-5.1 쓰고 있긴 한데.....

Brake Burnishing

To prepare the Camaro brake systems for track events and racing, complete the appropriate high performance brake burnishing procedure described below. New brake pads must be burnished before racing or competitive driving.

When performed as instructed, this procedure will not damage the brakes. During the burnishing procedure, the brake pads will smoke and produce an odor. The braking force and pedal travel may increase. After the procedure is complete, the brake pads may appear white at the rotor contact. Run this procedure in a safe manner and in compliance with all local and state ordinances/laws
Driving and Operating 199
regarding motor vehicle operation. Run this procedure only on dry pavement. Racing/Track Brake Burnishing Procedure
Brake pedal fade will occur during this track burnish procedure and can cause brake pedal travel and force to increase. This could extend stopping distance until the brakes are fully burnished.
1. Apply the brakes 25 times starting at 100km/h (60mph) to 50km/h (30mph) while decelerating at 0.4g. This is a medium brake application. Drive for at least 1km (0.6mi) between applying the brakes. This first step may be skipped if there are more than 320km (200mi) on the brake pads. 2. Repeatedly apply the brakes from 100km/h (60mph) to 25km/h (15mph) while decelerating at 0.8g.
This is a hard brake application, without activating the Antilock Brake System (ABS). Drive for at least 1km (0.6mi) between stops. Repeat until the brake pedal travel starts to increase. Depending on conditions, this should take no longer than 25 brake applications. 3. Cool down: Drive at 100km/h (60mph) for approximately 15km (10mi) without using the brakes. 4. Apply the brakes 25 times from 100km/h (60mph) to 50km/h (30mph) while decelerating at 0.4g. This is a medium brake application. Drive for at least 1km (0.6mi) between applications.

패드 길들이기

100km 60km 감속 25번 등등 블라블라.... 이거 패드 고성능으로 바꾸고 패드 녹여서 디스크 표면에 코팅하는건데

그냥 너무 세게 잡지 말고 어느정도 강하게 30~40번 정도 해주면 되는듯 합니다.

Front Tire Deflectors, Lower Control Arm Deflectors, and Disc Splash Shields (SS Only)

Before any racing event, remove the tire deflectors in the front of the vehicle, and replace the original
deflector and splash shield with the tall deflector and small splash shield.
Race track driving with the original front disc brake splash shield and front tire deflector may result in brake pedal fade due to high rotor temperatures.
To install the tall deflector and small splash shield:
1. Remove the tire deflector. 2. Remove the front wheels.


요거는 범퍼밑에 달린 윈드 디플렉터 떼고 도풍판 달으래요.

마지막으로 트랙에서 최고의 랩타임을 내기 위해 가장 중요한거.

카마로 신차로 한대 더 사도 전혀 문제 없을 정도의 통장 잔고

  • 민새이(엠투퍼포먼스) | 2019-03-03 23:22
ㅋㅋ 올해는 50초 가시죠! 화이팅 입니다
  •  김중희(갈마로) | 2019-03-04 04:09
       통장에 돈이 없어서 무립니다.. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
전에 사장님 샾에서 타이어 네짝 그냥 다 교체할걸 그랬어요 ㅠㅠ 뒷타야가 남은게 애매해서 고민중입니다 ㅋㅋ
  • 김경화(아리아) | 2019-03-04 00:12
카마로 신차로 한대 더 사도 전혀 문제 없을 정도의 통장 잔고...... 마음에 팍팍 박히네요...ㅠㅠ
마로 녀석... 먹성이 좋아서 밥값 넘 많이 들어요~~ㅋㅋㅋ
  •  김중희(갈마로) | 2019-03-04 04:14
       반보다 한칸 딱 더 넣고 들어가면 한세션 만에 바로 앵꼬불 들어와요ㅋㅋ
통장에 1억 추가 될때 마다 1초씩 빨라질수 있을듯 합니다 ㅋㅋ ㅜㅜ
  • 이상현(모터헤드) | 2019-03-04 03:58
마지막말이 확 와닿습니다ㅋㅋㅋ
  •  김중희(갈마로) | 2019-03-04 04:11
       현실은 기름값도 ㅎㄷㄷ ㅠㅠ 행여나 하체무리생길까 연석 밟는것도 기록도전랩 아니면 절대로 안밟음 ㅠㅠ ㅋㅋ
  •   원준식(slowinfastout ) | 2019-03-04 07:59
        ㅎㅎ 굿굿굿!!!^^
  • 김도영(SunShine) | 2019-03-04 06:37
Dot5 는 5.1하고 틀린오일이고 일반적으로는 쓰지않는 오일입니다. ㅎㅎ
  •  김중희(갈마로) | 2019-03-05 06:00
       아 다른거군요 둘다 5로 시작해서 똑같은건줄 알았어요
정보 감사합니다ㅎㅎ
  • 원준식(slowinfastout ) | 2019-03-04 07:58
완전 서킷용 메뉴얼이네요
좋은 정보 감사합니다
  •  김중희(갈마로) | 2019-03-05 06:02
       넵 북미 메뉴얼에 있어서 올려봤습니다. 근데 다 따라하기엔 좀 내용이 많아요ㅠㅠ
  • 김상필(서해) | 2019-03-04 11:08
ㄴㄴㄴ 아닙죠 강심장과 튜닝된 간이 잇어야합죠 ㅎㅎㅎ
  •  김중희(갈마로) | 2019-03-05 06:05
       맞습니다 간튜닝은 필요합니다ㅎㅎ
간튜닝은 진입때가 아니라 탈출때 필요합니다ㅋㅋ 뒤가털려도 엑셀오프를 하지 않는 그런 심장이 필요합니다ㅋㅋ
번호 제목 작성자 등록일 조회수
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김도영(SunShine) I 2019-03-02 (20:10) I 조회: 5306
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6067 잠이 보약입니다. ~~  [6]
김태현(젊은오빠) I 2019-03-02 (00:03) I 조회: 5314
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김도영(SunShine) I 2019-03-01 (22:18) I 조회: 5314
김도영(SunShine) 2019-03-01 (22:18) 5314
6064 저희 소초 밥은 호텔보다 맛있습니다!!  [7]
이상현(모터헤드) I 2019-03-01 (15:10) I 조회: 5317
이상현(모터헤드) 2019-03-01 (15:10) 5317
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이상현(모터헤드) I 2019-03-01 (15:09) I 조회: 5309
이상현(모터헤드) 2019-03-01 (15:09) 5309
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김호진(대수학) I 2019-03-01 (11:27) I 조회: 5315
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