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머슬카 충돌테스트 2016 American Muscle Car - Mustang, Camaro & Challenger 사용자 리뷰 -카마로ss동호회

머슬카 충돌테스트 2016 American Muscle Car - Mustang, Camaro & Challenger

이상현(모터헤드)  |  조회수 :5091  |  2017-01-02 (00:26)

결과는 카마로SS와 머스탱은 좋은 평점을 받았고..

챌린져의 경우 턱걸이 수준인가봅니다.

작년에 나온 영상인데 참고하시라고 올려드립니다 ^^

Because no one buys a sports car to drive in the slow lane, the best all-­ around occupant crash protection is crucial.

IIHS evaluated 2016 models of the Chevrolet Camaro, Dodge Challenger and Ford Mustang in the full battery of crashworthiness evaluations.

IIHS doesn’t typically crash-­test sports cars as they make up a small share of the consumer market. IIHS engineers decided to evaluate these models with optional V-­8 engines because they are big sellers in their class, and consumers often ask how they would perform in crash tests.
Insurance data point to high losses for sports cars. As a group, they have the highest losses among passenger vehicles for crash damage repairs under collision coverage, data from the Highway Loss Data Institute show. Collision coverage insures against physical damage to the at-­fault policyholder’s vehicle in a crash.

The Camaro, Challenger and Mustang all earn good ratings for occupant protection in a moderate overlap front crash and side impact. In the Institute’s newest and toughest crashworthiness evaluation, the small overlap front test, the Camaro earns a good rating, the Mustang earns acceptable, and the Challenger is rated marginal.

  • 김도영(shinysun) | 2017-01-02 11:22
아까운 차들...ㅠ 루프만 빼고 좋은 등급 받았죠 카마로는
  • 이광민(광마로) | 2017-01-02 12:10
확실히 사이드 충격이 승객에게 가장 큰 충격을 줄 거 같네요
안전운전 합시당.......
  •  구자홍(부산노블) | 2017-01-02 15:42
       노란불에 교차로 질주가 제일 위험한 것 같아요..
  • 고창훈(세종검마로) | 2020-04-14 16:19
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