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하체 업그레이드 프로젝트 ㅎㅎ 튜닝자료실 -카마로ss동호회

하체 업그레이드 프로젝트 ㅎㅎ

김도영(SunShine)  |  조회수 :4724  |  2019-11-20 (13:53)

카마로는 서스팬션에 코드가 붙어있습니다.

FE2, FE3, FE4 그리고 FEA와 같이요.

FE2는 기본적으로 Non-MRC버젼을 뜻하는거 같고

FE3 = base SS (but different sway bars & springs between coupe & convertible)

FE4 = base ZL1 and the SS 1LE - different front spring rates because of supercharger weight


와 같습니다. 즉 우리는 FE3라는것이죠.

FE4만 보아도 일부 필로우볼들이 사용되는등의 변화가 있으므로, 해볼만 하다?! 입니다.

그리고 FEA 와 같은경우는 쇽이 MRC가 아니고 DSSV라는 댐퍼를 사용하기때문에 호환성 부분을 잘 봐야합니다.

머 요런것들?

ㅎㅎ 이미 해외에는 세트로 업글킷같이 해서 팔고 있는 샾들이 있습니다.

괜찮다는 평이라 한번 진행해볼려고 찾은내용 공유해봅니다.

Front Stabilizer Bars:
FE2 = AG, AH = 23288185
FE3 = AJ37, AK37 = 22988701
FE3 = AJ67, AK67 = 23161083
FE4 = AJ37, AL37 = 84052981
FEA = AL37 = 23332961

Front Links for Stabilizer bars.
FE2 = 20761141 & 20761142
FE3, FE4, and FEA = 23240970 & 23240971

Front "Ride" Links. These are the diagonal front-front control arms
FE2, FE3 = 84012305 & 84012306
FE4 = 84051641 & 84051642
FEA = 84051643 & 84051644

Front "Handling" Links. These are the lateral front-rear control arms
FE2, FE3 = 23317365 & 23317366
FE4, FEA = 23317367 & 23317368

Front strut mounts. All non-MRC (except FEA) cars get # 840103429, except F55 [aka MRC] cars, those get 84013428. FEA 2-position camber plates appear to be sold only with the DSSV dampers.

All Camaro's get the 13512895 front wheel bearing.


Rear Suspension Part Numbers!

Rear Stabilizer Bars:
FE2 manual trans = 23288977
FE2 auto trans = 23465576
FE3 = AG37, AJ37, AH37, AK37 [V6 1LE and SS coupes] = 84004728
FE3 = AJ67, AK67 [SS convertibles] = 24365578
FE4 = AJ37, AK37, AL37 [SS 1LE and ZL1 coupes] = 84026864
FE4 = AL67 [ZL1 convertible] = 84118919
FEA = AL37 = 84218218

There are a couple single part number surprises.
Rear Links for Stabilizer Bar. Only one part number here, it's # 23105170
Rear Lower Control Arms for all were 23282356 & 23282357, superseded by 84382226 & 84382227.
Upper Lateral Link is a single part number, same for left and right; 22974128.

Rear Upper Trailing Links:
FE2, FE3 = 23343126
FE4, FEA = 84059622

Rear Lower Trailing Links:
FE2, FE3 = 23415095
FE4, FEA = 84048678

There are two "Suspension Adjust Links", aka the toe link.
FE2 = 22974130
FE3, FE4, FEA = 23117751

The Rear Knuckles appear to be a key tuning part.
FE2 = 23206823 & 23206824
FE3 = 23318171 & 23318172
FE4 & FEA = 84258571 & 84258572

The Rear Cradle is also a key tuning part.
FE2 = 84035179
FE3 = 84035180
FE4 = 84053249
FEA = 84224918

그리고 각 코드별로 쇽, 스프링등의 품번입니다.

If you have an FE2 car, "R0H" is the code for the factory 18" wheels and tires, and "R29" is the code for 20" wheels and all-season tires.

Front Springs for Non-MRC. Thankfully GM puts the engine codes for some, LTG = 2.0T, LGX = V6:
AG37 (LTG) = AA5Y = 84186929
AG37 (LGX FE3), AH37 (LGX) = AAV6 = 84186922
AG, AH67 (LTG, FE2) = AA3R = 84186928
AG, AH67 (LGX) = AA5Z = 84186930
AJ, AK37 (FE3, EXC F55) = AB5C = 84186924
AJ, AK67 (FE3, EXC F55) = AA52 = 84186924

Front springs for MRC:
AJ, AK37 (FE3, F55) = AAV7 = 84186923
AJ37 (FE4) = ABTJ = 84186932
AJ, AK67 (FE3, F55) = AA3P = 84186923
AJ, AL37 (FE4) = AAV9 = 84312735 <--given the typing is emphasizing AL37, and there's already a specific AJ37 (FE4) listing, this is likely intended for the ZL1, though would technically fit the SS 1LE, likely with a higher ride height.
AL67 = AA3N = 84312736

Front spring for FEA, same for right and left. Fits FEA only!

Front Struts for non-MRC:
FE2 = AG, AH37 (R0H) = ADML, ADMM = 23420867 & 23420868
FE2 = AG, AH37 (R29) = ADMN, ADMP = 23420869 & 23420870
FE2 = AG, AH67 (R0H) = ADR7, ADR8 = 23509096 & 23509097
FE2 = AG, AH67 (R29) = ADR9, ADSA = 23509098 & 23509099
FE3 = AJ, AK37 (EXC F55) = ADMR, ADMS = 23420871 & 23420872
FE3 = AJ, AK67 (EXC F55) = ADSB, ADSC = 23509100 & 23509101

Front Struts for MRC:
AJ, AK, AL = FE3 (F55), FE4 = AD5V, AD5W, ADKP, ADKR = 84115887 & 84115888

Front DSSV housings for FEA, not sure what the two sets of numbers is about:
AF9R,AF9P = 84384331 & 84384332
AFWY,AFWX = 84331745 & 84331746
DSSV strut inserts, the dampers themselves = 84331747 for both left and right


Rear Springs for Non-MRC. I know this is really hard to decipher, but it depends on the exact configuration of your VIN. Things like "xCA" means it can be either 8CA or 9CA, the part numbers are the same.
AJ37, AG, AH, AJ, AK67 (xCA) = AAZ5 = 23341852
AG, AH37 (xGA) = AAZ6 = 23341853
AG, AH37 (xHA) = AAZ7 = 23341854
AG, AH37 (xJA) = AAZ8 = 23341855
AJ, AK, AG, AH37 (xAA) = AA0D = 23341860
AG, AH, AJ, AK37 (xBB) = AA1N = 84010830
AG, AH37 (xDX) = AA4R = 84153696

Rear Springs for MRC:
AJ, AK37 (F55), AJ, AK67 (xAB) = AAZ4 = 23341851
FE4, AJ37, aka SS 1LE = 23341858 OR 23341859 OR 23341856, "23136675" tag on actual spring, which is the part number for the Cadillac ATS-V Sedan
AL37, aka ZL1 coupe = 84079567 Probably

Rear Shock Absorbers:
FE2 = AG, AH37 = R29 = 23382414 & 84277402
FE2 = AG, AH67 = R29 = 23509104 & 23509105
FE2 = AG, AH37 = R0H = 84084725 & 84084726
FE2 = AG, AH67 = R0H = 84084731 & 84084732
FE3 = AG, AH, AJ, AK37 = exc F55 = 84084729 & 84084730
FE3 = AJ, AK67 = exc F55 = 23509106 & 23509107
MRC dampers, AJ, AK, AL = 23281657 & 84219921
FEA "DSSV" = 84331749 & 84331750
2017 "M1SS1LE" in Hyper Blue w/PDR

  • 김도영(SunShine) | 2019-11-20 14:09
13512894 리어 허브 베어링 품번입니다.
  • 김지원(Dimitri) | 2019-11-20 15:31
크롬에서 페이지 깨진거 같아요. 온갖 모를 알파벳이랑 숫자만 보임
  • 김주현(신록군(일산)) | 2019-11-20 15:47
어렵내요 공구안하나요??? ㅋㅋ
  • 김철기(달구지) | 2019-11-21 05:38
그래서 을마?
  • 임자성(8기통) | 2019-11-27 23:15
스테빌만했는데 나머지까지하면 하체가 짱짱해지겠네요!! 독일스럽게~~??
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